Inner journey, massage for the soul
Inner journey
You need a moment of attention
You want peace in your mind and body
you worry and want to focus on what you really find important
you have lost your way (for a while)
you feel restless and not comfortable in your body
your body does not do what you want
you have an 'issue' in your relationship(s) or work
you know that there is 'more' in you but it does not come out
you do not have an active work life and feel the need to 'do' something
In short: you need a neutral listening ear...
Lidwien has been guiding people on their inner journey for more than 40 years.
That journey has many layers. Sometimes it is a journey in which you wonder how to proceed. Sometimes it is a search for passion, sometimes it is becoming calm in uncertain times. Then again it is about work, a relationship, a business.
Or, as with Lidwien herself, how do I pass on what I have learned and experienced now that I have reached an older age...
In all those years of coaching, training and guidance, it has always emerged that it is about that inner journey, which you can experience as a massage for your soul.
You can see it as a massage.
Just like you go to a masseur, physiotherapist, haptonomist or other form of massage, this is about your own insides.
How does it work?
To start with, it is a meeting via internet calling. Via zoom or skype or whatsapp.
That keeps you in your own environment.
The meeting is short, in principle half an hour, with an extension of 15 minutes.
We start with the inner massage in which I guide you to the energy in your body.
I never know in advance what I will say, because I tune in to you.
A question arises from that massage, which you ask yourself. We will then work with that question, where I will guide you to follow the energy of that question and see if the time is ripe to find an answer to that question.
Practical: You can sent an email to
Great inspiration for this guidance is the poem by Rainer Maria Rilke,
Be patient with everything
that is not yet resolved in your heart
and try to love the questions themselves
as closed rooms and as books
that are written in a very strange language.
Do not look for the answers now,
that cannot yet be given
because you are not yet able
to live these answers
and what matters is:
to live everything, live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually,
Without noticing it, one day
live the answer within.
Rainer Maria Rilke